Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Monday, October 18, 2010

Think Highly of Yourself!

Good Morning, Blogfam!
Self-deprecation is a serious issue amongst many people.  It is defined as the act of belittling or undervaluing oneself.  I am sure we have all done it in our lives at some time or another.  Basically, you know what you deserve or what you’re worth, but you are willing to settle for less, only to partially satisfy yourself or someone else.  It’s almost the same as realizing your full potential or your purpose, but limiting your goals because you don’t want to work hard enough to reach the level of success that you know you can achieve.     
What I have discovered to be a common cause of self-deprecation is the constant thought of your prior failures and shortcomings.  I believe that it is severely unhealthy to let your past experiences create self-doubt in the present day.  Granted, you may have endured many tough situations in the past, but it doesn’t mean you have to continue to do so.  When people let their experiences create a personal perception of who they think they are, then they will never be accurate on whom they truly are.  This is what typically leads to low self-esteem and self-pity.  You always feel like a victim of your circumstances and because of that, it prevents you from being truly happy in life.
I have been in relationships before that weren’t necessarily ideal, and at times I allowed it to determine how I felt about myself, which then caused me to beat myself up mentally and emotionally because I was constantly trying to figure out where I was falling short.  However, once I got to a peaceful place, I was able to realize that regardless of what I did wrong, it doesn’t mean that I am subject to limited satisfaction.  A mistake is a learning experience that should lead to growth.  If your mind frame stays the same, how can your thoughts get bigger?  The answer to that is it can’t.  So as long as you continue to put yourself down and accept less than what you know you deserve, your thoughts about yourself will continue to be small.  We set the stage for how we want people to perceive us, and if you give off even the slightest hint that you will accept less than the best, then that’s what you’re going to get.
Quote of the Day:  “Think largely of yourself, and the world around you won’t seem quite so big.” ~ Candice Loper

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