Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Do you have a confidant?

Good Morning Blogfam!
Do you have a confidant?  I have discovered over the years how important it is to have at least one person that you can confide in and share your deepest and dearest thoughts, memories, and feelings.  This person should be someone who you feel comfortable sharing your personal information with, someone who you know is not biased or judgmental, and it should be someone who will tell you the utter truth; even if it’s not what you want to hear.  I have been blessed to have several confidants because over the years I have built strong, lasting relationships with several people who have always had my back.

I don’t necessarily feel that you have to share EVERYTHING but in the event that you need to, it’s an amazing feeling to have people to turn to.  Some people are able to keep their emotions bottled up, until they finally release it in impulsive fashion.  I have found that I am able to remain calm in many situations because I have already talked it out, sometimes several times, with my confidant(s).  There was a time in my life when I was personally embarrassed by many of the things I did, which would cause me to keep things to myself out of fear of being judged.   However, once I put things into perspective I realized that when someone cares about you and has your best interest in mind, they won’t judge you they will listen and uplift you!

On a personal level, I am sure of my ability to be there for my loved ones because my Leo/Lioness spirit allows me to give it to people straight.  I realize that for someone who may already be confused or uncertain, confiding in someone who doesn’t have the ability to provide a clear perspective can just make matters worse.   Some people can’t provide clear advice or direction to someone when they are going through things in their own life.  However, that’s where you have to realize that your problems will be there but if you can provide assistance to get someone else through their issues, then it could just possibly open up a door for whatever you’re going through.   I tend to find clarity and many answers to my questions through being there for other people and learning from their situations.   Once again, it’s all about perspective and your ability to recognize an indirect blessing.      

Quote of the Day:  “Your burdens don’t have to be all yours, when you have people who are willing to carry some of them for you.” ~ Candice Loper


  1. Well thought as well written!!! Believe it or not I just found someone I can tell anything to and he gives me the absolute truth . He also serves as my mentor.


  2. Being able to confide in someone is a major responsibility. You have to be able to take their information and not internalize it for yourself but produce objectivity. You have to have a safe person that will allow you to be vulnerable and honest. When you found that person, hold to them and respect them.
