Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Friday, September 24, 2010

Have You Been Consistent?

Good Morning BlogFam!

Today I will talk about consistency.  Have you ever had an issue with being consistent?  I can honestly say that I have.  You know...its almost like normal behavior to start off doing things a certain way and then eventually you find yourself behaving differently.  Well I am here to tell you that doing that could have a major affect on your relationship, your job, and even the level of trust or confidence that others have in you.

Imagine meet someone and you really like them.  You guys go out to eat 3 times a week, movies every weekend, you laugh together, you take walks in the park, you talk on the phone EVERY night before going to bed, and you just have an overall good time together.  But then after about a year or so when you start to get serious, all of a sudden you realize that you haven't been out to dinner in a month, you haven't seen any of the new movies that have come out, oh and a park...what is that??  Now you find yourself being slowly stripped of some of the things that initially drew you close to this person in the first place.  So you start to feel like you've been hit with the famous "bait and switch".  Then there is always the question: Where do I go from here?  Of course a year is quite a bit of time to feel like you want to just call it off.  However, if this person is not willing to do all those things anymore that they did to get you....then you have to make a wise decision...and only you would know what that is.

It's no different than being in the workplace.  We've all done it where we go on an interview and lay all our skills, attributes, and experience on the table so we can land the job.  Then you have some who get the job and come in and have no idea what to do, they're lazy, they're late all the time, etc.  Well basically you did one thing to get the job but you weren't willing to do that same thing to keep it.  It's all about consistency and your ability to deliver.

Don't ever underestimate the power of consistency because it can make or break situations.  Celebrities, athletes, and other wealthy people have it happen to them all the time.  They marry someone and they get them accustomed to a certain lifestyle and when the relationship ends, they end up paying massive amounts of money out their pocket just because they are required to uphold the lifestyle that their spouse was used to.  Use that analogy in your personal situation.  If you get someone used to something make sure you have the ability or desire to be consistent because its not fair to strip someone of their comfort that YOU helped create. 

Now don't get me confused, I am not saying that it takes money or things to keep someone happy.  Even if you spoiled a person with your words or your affection...make sure you keep that up too as it is all relevant.

Quote of the Day:  "Whatever you did on that first day, make sure you keep it that way if you want them to stay." ~ Candice Loper

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