Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Make Them Sweat!

Good Morning Blogfam!

Have you ever been faced with trying to get someone back or someone trying to get you back?  Well I definitely have and let me tell you, it took me a long time to realize what it takes for a person to succeed in those efforts.  There are people who aren't necessarily good at making a person "sweat", which in turn makes them give in easily with very little repercussions or restrictions.  However, when someone does something to hurt you, the future of your relationship (if any) relies on them feeling a major sense of regret.  Therefore, if you accept them back without them experiencing that feeling, chances are the same issues will arise again.

Some people, typically women, simply don't have the ability to be patient and allow time to pass for the person to realize the affect of their actions.  It's important to realize that if a person genuinely cares for you and loves you, they will respect your emotions and allow you time to get past it or not.  If being with you is what they really want, they will go the extra mile to make sure you know that.  However, I think it's especially important to not take advantage of a person due to their regrets.  Go ahead and make them "sweat" just so they can understand that it's not so easy to just mess up and get right back in where you used to fit in.  But you have to know when it's time to call a truce, forgive them, lay your expectations on the line, and let them know what the ramifications will be if they're not met.

The last piece to this is knowing when to be honest when you know you don't want anything to do with a person.  I believe this is where greed, selfishness, and taking advantage of another person comes in to play.  If someone hurts you, tries their hardest to win you back, and you don't tell them that you're no longer interested; now you're taking advantage of them.  I know the gifts can be tempting and it can be flattering to your ego to have someone basically begging and pleading to have you back but in the end it's best for both people if you can just address it and move forward with your life.  At the end of the day, the material things aren't worth your self-respect and dignity.  If someone hurts you to the point of you not wanting to deal with them anymore, then why would they be worth dealing with on any level just for a few gifts?  That's when you have to put things into perspective.

Quote of the Day: "In order for someone to empathize with you, you have to make sure they feel the same pain you feel." ~ Candice Loper

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