Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is it easier said than done?

Happy February Blogfam!!

I've been finding myself repeating this one particular saying very often lately: "I know it's easier said than done".  I am finding that I only say this people I am conversing with who I don't feel have the ability to do it, so I guess it's my way of making them feel comfortable within their inabilities.  I am not claiming to be perfect or have it all figured out but one thing I do know is, I won't advise or offer my opinion on anything that I haven't experienced first hand.  I have found that doing it is not the hard part, it gets difficult when it's time to cope with it and that's what people can't handle.

I'm sure we've all known people who were really good talkers and would always have some sort of suggestion or advice as to how they think you should handle a situation.  However, I have always been one to appreciate advice from those who have lived it and had the strength to cope with it.  I have been through the ringer and back in life due to personal mistakes, bad judgment calls, weakness, immaturity, stupidity, and the list could go on and on.  However, I learned from those experiences and it has helped shape me into the person I am today.  Now while I realize that everyone will ultimately travel down their own path regardless of advice, opinions, and wisdom from others, I believe it definitely has a significant impact when they know that a person has endured and overcome what they're advising unto them.

I think that people get confused between giving their opinion and advising someone as to what to do.  First of all, when you're speaking to an adult all you can really do is give your opinion or tell someone what you experienced because at the end of the day they will do what they want to do anyway.  However, I find it easier to offer my opinion based on facts not speculation because then I can say "When I went through it....I did" but it doesn't really go over well if you're coming from the angle of "If it were me... I would".  No one really wants to know what you would do if it were you because it's not you and everyone knows when you're in a situation you might think about handling it one way and ultimately end up handling it a totally different way.  So I agree that no one knows what it's like until they've been through it, so if you're talking to or consulting with someone that you respect who has been through what you're going through, take heed to it. 

Quote of the Day: "No one really wants to know what you would do if it were you, they really want to know what you did when it was you!" ~ Candice Loper

1 comment:

  1. exactly, at the end of the day it is that person decision
