Good Morning Blogfam!
Relationships are bittersweet as they have the potential to give off feelings of confusion and uncertainty. Things will never be completely blissful in relationships because there will always be ups and downs. However, what I have found to cause the most conflict is when a person is unsure about their place in someones life. Typically those who question their place in someones life are the ones who are insecure in their abilities on a personal level. I recognize that there will always be some sort of insecurity that lives in all of us but when you're confident about who you are and what you bring to the table; it mitigates the risk of you questioning your worth to someone else.
When someone truly cares for you they will do whatever they need to do to make you know it, feel it, and embrace it. However, because we don't live in a perfect world there will always be those people who will never feel it no matter what you do. Those are the people who typically don't last in relationships and i'll tell you why. It's nearly impossible for a person to feel insecure on a personal level and possess the ability to feel secure with how the next person feels about them simultaneously. It's like feeling like you're worth a penny but believing someone when they tell you you're worth a million dollars. You have to feel it first!
There is a flip side to this as well. The people who are being questioned also have to be honest with themselves and the next person. I have witnessed many relationships unfold where one person knew all along that the other person was not the one for them. However, feelings of conditional obligation force them into a world of selfishness where they become accustomed to leading this person to believe that they truly do desire to be with them. This type of poisonous union normally leads to resentment and blame, which could all be avoided with an initial dose of truth regarding reality. You don't owe anyone an explanation regarding the decisions you make, unless your decision could ultimately affect someone else's destiny. Therefore, it's important to be cognizant of all parties involved.
Quote of the Day: "It stops being all about you as soon as you involve someone else." ~ Candice Loper
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