Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Success is not character....

Good Morning Blogfam!

I was listening to the radio this morning and was slightly aggravated by the topic of discussion.  The topic was "Why is it hard for a black woman to find a successful black man?"  Honestly, I am not so sure why people pose questions such as this because I don't think it is fair to categorize people.  I will never understand why all of the burden is placed on the black woman to "find" a black man, oops i'm sorry I meant a successful black man.  Being single with a particular status shouldn't be based on gender, as we all deal with the same issues. 

There is no specific set of reasons why there are an abundance of single black women.  I believe that over the years ALL people have compromised their standards at some time or another.  I am almost sure that women and men alike have not always had a single status, it just may be the case in the present day.  However, as you grow and get closer to yourself you begin to realize what you want and what type of person will compliment you and not complete you.  That type of partner does not always come easily so its about patience not desperation and its about realistic standards not superficiality.  It doesn't have to seem like such an epidemic for a person to be single because there is nothing wrong with it.  Being in a relationship does not determine a persons worth or quality of existence, it just means that they have possibly connected with someone who adds value to their life, whereas a single person hasn't quite achieved that yet.

I have noticed that people put "successful" people into these buckets as if they are in a class of their own which is true to a certain extent.  Success is a lovely attribute because it means that you have the will and desire to achieve more in life, however success does not define a person.  There are many successful people who have made it professionally, but have a hard time communicating on a personal level and that right there is a character flaw that no amount of money or notoriety could ever rectify.  I will not believe the hype or jump on the bandwagon because I believe that possessing positive character and personality traits, in addition to your professional status are just important, if not more.

Quote of the Day: "Good people attract and communicate best with good people, not successful people." ~ Candice Loper

1 comment:

  1. Bravo!Finally,someone who has shed light on what this western civilization tends to attempt to brainwash the masses in classification of a status quo.What people should realize is that success or reaching that goal of being successful,is a personal achievement of the vary bar one has set with inside self ;not having judgement take place through certificates,trophies or the smallest office in the corner of the tallest building.Example,Is it best to own 100% of nothing or 20% of something that doesn't totally belong to you?So,success is wht you believe it is and what you make it.When those who are already participating in these so called relationship full of light-cameras-action,glitters of gold finally wake up and see the unfulfillment; start blaming the media/magazines/enconomic number that's been placed on a dollar bill.People are single because of many different reasons because of choice not to tickle peoples flights of fancy.Spike Lee moment,"WAKE UP".Relationships are about compatability not comfortability!(Ron G's)
