Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Friday, October 1, 2010

Are You Growing?

Good Morning Blogfam!

Growth is a crucial element to each and every one of us and no, I am not talking about physically.  That will happen no matter what.  I am referring to growth as it relates to your character, personality, and maturity.  Lack of growth means you aren't progressing, which normally equates to being immature in certain areas of your life.  Progression of your being is detrimental to how you are perceived and received by others.

Besides knowing and feeling differently about what I know I am putting out in the universe, there are always situations that happen that confirms what I already know.  I'll tell you a quick story.  I have a very close friend who I have known for almost 20 years and we have certainly had our share of ups and downs.  Sometimes even to the point of not speaking for years at a time.  Most recently there was a situation where I didn't keep my word and she let me know how she felt.  So I acknowledged that I was wrong and apologized for being unreliable.  We talked about it and everything is all good now.  I am telling you this story because please note where in the beginning of this paragraph I told you that through our ups and downs we wouldn't speak for years at a time.  Mostly, due to minor issues such as this that would get blown out of proportion.  I recognized my growth, as well as hers, when I saw how we were able to talk about the situation at hand and rectify it quickly without any unnecessary drama.

If you still feel like the same person you felt like 10 years ago, then most likely you aren't growing.  When you begin to mature you tend to feel, interact, and think differently.  If you're holding on to a certain someone who you thought was who you should be, if it is beneficial don't be afraid to let pieces of that person go to create the person who you need to be to be successful.  I can guarantee that you won't have to question your progression if you realize one thing: You can't get anywhere until you decide that you don't want to stay where you are.  You are the initiator of your success!!!

Quote of the Day: "You and everyone else will know when you grow because it will show." ~ Candice Loper

1 comment:

  1. You're right about that! I've been wanting to cuss alot of people out recently for coming at me "out of pocket" but thank God for saving my soul and reconditioning my mind. I am able to withstand the ignorance.
