Good Morning Blogfam!
I believe it is important to always be fair and realistic in all situations. I am famous for giving people the benefit of the doubt, but that ability doesn’t come easy to everyone. It takes a mature person to be able to look at each person as an individual, especially when you have heard negative things, or have a relationship with someone who doesn’t particularly care for them. There aren’t enough people that have the ability to say “Regardless of what this person may have done to him/her, they haven’t done anything to me, so until then I will respect them for who they are.” This happens when you have someone who is always concerned about proving something to someone, instead of being comfortable with their own decision-making skills. In addition to maturity, it also requires amazing character traits to be your own person and make your own decisions.
I have been in situations where I was disliked by one person simply because I was disliked by another. Thinking about it from a realistic perspective, it’s extremely immature and shows a lack of character to take on someone else’s views. It’s a sign of weakness because you’re showing that you are incapable of making your own decision based on your own perception. Like I’ve said before, there is no need to borrow the views of someone else when you own yours. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not perfect by far, so I have been that weak, immature, character lacking person who has disliked others because of how someone else felt about them. However, my primary focus is to be the best person I can be and treat everyone as an individual. You can’t go through life being concerned about how someone feels about you, because we all know that some people just don’t have the ability to see you for who you truly are. It can be fairly frustrating when you know you’re a good person, but you have people that try and diminish your character with their misguided perception of who they try to make you out to be. When you are certain about who you are and what your purpose is, those small-minded people won’t matter at all.
Quote of the Day: “
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