Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thoughts Don't Have To Be Secrets!

Good Morning Blogfam!

There are times when people keep their expectations and feelings towards certain situations bottled up in a jar of hope.  They want so badly for someone to be who they want them to be to them but they are the only person who is aware of it.  When this takes place what ultimately ends up happening is some people let their emotions and disappointment get the best of them, then they begin to give off signs of resentment. 

Personally, I am a friend who enjoys being a friend first before all else because I believe that friendship is the foundation for the long lasting structure.  I would like to believe that it's easier to focus on being friends when there are no expectations for anything deeper.  Consequently, the worst thing that a person can do to harm a friendship is to keep their feelings to themselves.  I say this because people who care about one another will be honest about their thoughts, feelings, and expectations so the other person isn't being placed in a position to fail.  When someone always tries to make me figure things out for myself or expect me to just read their mind, I get extremely frustrated because sometimes people need to be told so they can see and understand your perspective.  Unfortunately, I have dealt with this too many times before, especially in the case of relationships.  There always seems to be some kind of conflict and misunderstanding when people feel disappointed that someone is not living up to their expectations, however their feelings are self-inflicted because they haven't shared their expectations with the other person.  I believe that stubborn people tend to be repeat offenders of this.  They are so set in their ways that they have the mind frame that if they tell you what they're feeling then you're getting a free pass into their thoughts.  I share my thoughts almost every day to the world so I can't seem to understand why people feel like they have to refrain sharing their thoughts with people they have a personal relationship with. 

The point of all this is to let you know that it's okay to share your thoughts.  Maybe you have been hurt or disappointed before after letting someone know what your expectations were, but at least you had the courage to be forthcoming with your feelings.  This is not to say that you have to reveal everything that is on your mind, but if it is something that could potentially make or break the status of your friendship or relationship then it's best and fair to everyone to get it out.

Quote of the Day: "Your thoughts are only yours if you're the only person who will benefit or be affected by them." ~ Candice Loper

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