Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reflect Don't Dwell

Good Morning Blogfam!

Have you ever taken the time out to reflect on your life?  Well I am here to tell you that is is extremely important to do so in order to realize your strengths and weaknesses.  When you look in the mirror what do you see?  You see a reflection of yourself in that mirror; sometimes your hair can't get right, you may have a pimple, or you just look damn good!  Therefore, when you take the time out to reflect on your past, you then have the ability to recognize areas of improvement or areas where you are satisfied.  However, self-reflection is not to be confused with dwelling on the past because there is a major difference.  Those who dwell on the past are typically people who have endured painful experiences which they struggle to move forward from.  Those who reflect are people who focus on the positive and negative aspects of their past.

On a personal note I have endured many tough experiences in my past that I never thought I would be able to get past.  Specifically in the case of relationships because I always had a difficult time understanding why things didn't work out.  So instead of reflecting on the entire situation to determine my values and flaws, I dwelled on it and only ended up beating myself up because all I could focus on were the flaws.  Eventually I realized that looking at the past negatively was placing a barrier on my mental progression.  There came a time when my thoughts on the past were taking over me mentally which hindered my entire thinking process.  I felt like I was stranded on deserted island and my past was the water surrounding me.  Eventually there came a time when I had to swim to reach land (which symbolized my present).  Once I was able to get through the past to reach my present, the only time I was faced with revisiting my past was when I was flying over it to get to my destination.  

Quote of the Day: "Don't let your present suffer for the things your past did." ~ Candice Loper 

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