Good Afternoon Blogfam!
For most of us there has been a time or two in life that a relationship ended and it felt like the end of the world. I have realized that there are ways to prevent that from happening. To protect yourself from being devastated over the end of a relationship STOP giving one person your ALL! You have to retain some for yourself because you will need it to get through later. In a good situation you won't have to GIVE your all because will be FELT and RECEIVED. If you find yourself trying to hard to prove your love and affection than that could mean that the person you're with doesn't have the ability to recognize what you have to offer.
You know...I believe that people make relationships harder than they have to be. While I realize that relationships are extremely hard work, especially if you are genuinely committed, you also shouldn't find yourself working extremely hard to PROVE your love to someone. Love normally comes pretty easy when it's real. I have been on both sides of that fence which is why I can speak on this. I've had a relationship where love, affection, and understanding was effortless and at the end of the day none of those were the reasons why it came to an end. Moreover, when it did come to an end it didn't really hurt, it was just something that needed to happen. In contrast, my other relationship where I found myself constantly being put in a position to PROVE to him that I loved him and how much, it was draining. I said to myself many times: What more could I possibly do to make him understand that the way I feel is real? Going through all of that eventually made me question myself on whether or not I really did love this person. I started feeling like if he doesn't feel it than either he doesn't have the ability to accept it or maybe I just really don't love him and that's why he doesn't feel anything. Regardless of whether I loved him or not, I put my ALL into proving to him that I did and when it came to an end it was really hard on me because I didn't have anything left inside to get through it.
Good blog! Coincidentally, I was just talking to someone about this topic today and my words were "Just because I love HIM, doesn't mean I have to lose ME." -Ebony