I wanted to start the week off talking about something that has been on my mind heavy. When people have insecurities within themselves they normally find it very difficult to trust the person they're with. I have been there before...where I didn't know my worth, I let my man beat me down mentally, and lost my ability to trust him. It wasn't necessarily due to anything I knew for a fact he was doing....it was simply because I wasn't secure with myself or my ability to be the woman that I thought he wanted or needed. However, once I thought to myself...why should I trust him anyway if I can't even count on him to lift me up and make me feel loved. When you hear someone tell you enough that your hair doesn't look right, you're too skinny, calling you all type of names, and constantly reminding you of your lack of achievements it can start to wear on you and make you feel like less of a person. So eventually you get to the point where you start second guessing yourself and everyone you see looks better than you, has more than you, and has the potential to turn your man on more than you. Those are just mental demons attacking your mind and blocking your blessings...don't fall for it!
I put this on my Facebook page several weeks ago:
"When insecurities are eliminated from your life...your ability to trust becomes stronger. If you feel you have this issue...re-evaluate your own life and determine your areas of improvement. It all starts with self before you can be a benefit to all else."
So I thought to myself..what can I possibly do to eliminate these insecurities? Now don't get me wrong it took me a very long time to recognize my worth and realize that everything that had been embedded in my mind was someone elses negative depiction of me and not what I depicted of myself. So I re-evaluated some things and the first thing I did was get rid of the main reason why I had began to question my abilities in the first place. The Man! The negative energy that I was being surrounded with was not in my best interest. The next thing I did was I realized who I used to be before I let someone else take over my mind. Once I found her again and tweaked a few things to create the me I am today...I started feeling a whole lot better. The last thing I did was figure out what I needed to do to be the best person I could be and build up my strength to ensure that it wouldn't happen again.
So let's see...I took the steps to get rid of my insecurities which has a trickle down effect to allow me to begin to trust again and I definitely got rid of the mental abuse by eliminating the negative force behind that. So in turn it placed me into a fabulous relationship with MYSELF! I realized that in order to trust someone else I had to trust myself first. I discovered so many things about myself and was able to be a better somebody then I ever had been before. Now that my relationship with myself is strong it has humbled me in knowing that I can now be of value to any relationship I enter into in the future. Being secure is an awesome feeling.
Quote of the Day: "
So true. Allow me to say this, I haven't experienced mental abuse in a male-female relationship, but I have experienced mental and emotional abuse from a parent. Abuse in any form from anybody, is not to be tolerated. No one deserves to be a punching bag, literal or figurative. I'm so glad you came out of your situation on top.