Candy Girl

Candy Girl

Friday, June 24, 2011

Take YOUR Time!

Good Morning Blogfam!

Are you the type of person to get out of one relationship and get right into another one?  I used to be that person when I was younger.  I entered into my first serious relationship when I was 14 and I stayed in it until I was 19.  When I decided to move on I probably stayed single for less than 30 days before going into another relationship.  Although the next relationship was not your traditional relationship, I still was committed to this person in many ways for several years.  Eventually this relationship ended when I was about 22 and about three months later I found myself in yet another relationship.  This relationship was the toughest of all and it certainly wasn't your traditional relationship; at least not according to my standards.  Believe it or not this relationship ended after several years; hence my singlehood today for approximately the last three years.

After being single for quite some time now, I gave myself the chance to see how important it is to reflect on my past situations so I could step outside of it and see it from a different perspective.  Typically, it seems that when people leave a bad relationship and go directly into another one, that one eventually turns out to be bad also.  This happens because when situations are bad it's very easy to lose yourself.  The problem is many people seek solace in other people instead of seeking it within themselves.  Contrary to popular beliefs, it is impossible to find yourself through another person.  The only thing you will find is yourself being who you think you need to be for that person and not for yourself.  The first step to finding yourself is realizing that you are lost in the first place, then you have to reflect to see what went wrong, and finally you have to take the time to make sure you fully understand your reflections.

As you can see having the ability to handle relationships and what comes after it's over is bigger than just being with someone and leaving someone.  You have to be able to manage yourself, your emotions, your feelings, and your standards so you can know what you will and won't deal with.  Otherwise, you'll find yourself putting up with the same issues over and over again.

Quote of the Day: "Relationships require give and take.  If you're given what you don't want, than take your time to get what you want." ~ Candice Loper